The Understanding Your Eating Programme (UYE) has been developed from research carried out by Julia Buckroyd, Emeritus Professor of Counselling of the University of Hertfordshire and Honorary Fellow of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists.
The Programme is designed for ‘emotional eaters’; people who, at least in part, acknowledge that their overeating or compulsive eating is driven by their feelings. Julia developed this Programme to help people whose overeating (emotional eating, comfort eating or binge eating) felt compulsive and addictive.
To understand your eating, you first have to understand yourself. This Programme provides an opportunity for you to move on from the patterns of emotional eating and take better care of yourself.
The Understanding Your Eating Programme is a helpful resource to help gain control over disordered eating, learning different ways to manage emotions instead of ‘eating them’. My belief in the efficacy of this programme has led me to train with Emeritus Professor Julia Buckroyd as a Licensed Practitioner for the delivery of the UYE Programme. This programme has given me a great depth of knowledge into how we can break the cycle of emotional eating and live happier, healthier lives.
After an initial assessment session, together we’ll determine if this programme is for you and whether you prefer joining a group or have one to one sessions.
I aim to bring a warm, empathetic, open and clear thinking approach to the work by this means helping you to gain deeper insights and resolve difficult situations relating to both past and present events.
I am specifically trained to help you become more informed about emotional eating, and will encourage you to think about the part eating could be playing in managing your feelings. I’ll support you as you endeavour to improve your self-esteem and body-esteem, and will work with you to develop better ways of coping. I will be available to provide on-going support as you evaluate the psychological and emotional impact of weight-related issues on your physical and mental health, along with the effects on your relationships and social life.
You can give me a call for a free 15 minute conversation or simply book your place here.
07787 180 256
Would you rather have one to one sessions?
You can sign up for a one to one course face-to-face - in person or online (Skype, FaceTime).
Are you using food to manage your life?
If you are, the programme teaches you a different way of getting through the day.
The Understanding your Eating Programme is based on current & extensive research.
It does not offer dieting, exercise advice, or products. The programme does not tell you what or how much to eat as you probably already know that. Instead it offers a new way to think about food and is designed for people who are looking for an effective and far healthier alternative to the age-old yo-yo diet treadmill.
I will encourage you to focus on your thoughts and feelings. You will actively be making decisions about content and structure of your sessions. There will be a fair amount of self-reflection and home practice, so at the end of your treatment you will feel well equipped to deal with future upsets in life confidently, as if you are your own therapist.
Doing this course has the potential to change your life.
The Understanding Your Eating Programme does not tell you what to eat or how much or how to exercise. We think you know that already. Instead it helps you to explore whether you are eating to deal with your feelings.
The Programme has two parts.
The first is an Introduction (the core) of the Programme which is designed to help you explore your eating behaviour and to equip you with skills and teach how you can start to use other ways of managing your life.
The Introduction part consists of a series of five seminars run over five consecutive weeks and lasting one and a half hours (one hour one to one sessions).
The seminars have the following titles:
Seminar 1 Emotional eating: Eating is not just about hunger!
Seminar 2 Self-soothing: Eating to manage feelings; where it comes from.
Seminar 3 Self-esteem: How it helps you look after yourself better.
Seminar 4 Appearance: Improving body esteem.
Seminar 5 Relationships: Using people instead of food to get you through the day.
On completion of the Introduction part there is an option to choose from
nine modules to work in more depth on areas that may be particularly
troublesome for you.
You can do both parts of the Programme in a group. An Introduction group has no more than 8 people; the further modules have no more than 6. Each group is psycho-educational and confidential. If you would rather not be in a group, you can do the Programme one to one with me in person or online (Skype, FaceTime).
The second part of the Programme consists of nine freestanding modules, each consisting of four seminars, usually conducted weekly and lasting one and a half hours (one hour one to one sessions).
Module 1 Emotional Eating
Module 2 Feelings
Module 3 Motivation and Empowerment for Change
Module 4 Food monitoring and choice
Module 5 Activity
Module 6 Self Nurture
Module 7 Relationships
Module 8 Self Esteem
Module 9 Body Esteem
You can find detailed information about the Modules on the Understanding Your Eating website
Module 1 (four weeks)
Wadhurst - 27/4/17 - 18/5/17
Module 2 (four weeks)
Wadhurst - 15/6/17 - 7/7/17
Modules 3 to 9 (TBC)
Fee per module - £140 (10% discount when booking two or more modules).
Free Course Preview
Wadhurst - 6th February
Initial Individual Assessments
Wadhurst - 7/2/17 - 17/2/17; Fee £40 per 50 minutes session.
The Introduction Part (five weeks)
Wadhurst - 2/3/17 - 30/3/17. Course fee - £210 (including the initial assessment).
One to One Sessions
Face-to-face, Skype, FaceTime - £40 per 50 minute session.
Wadhurst Tunbridge Wells 07787 180 256
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Julia Lofts - Psychotherapy, Mindfulness & Supervision in Wadhurst and Tunbridge Wells, Talking Therapy in West Kent and East Sussex © 2013-2023 | All Rights Reserved