Focus, Understanding, Attention

Why time-limited counselling?

How can you make the best use of your counselling?

Julia R Lofts




07787 180 256

What is counselling?

Counselling is a form of talking therapy. It helps people discuss their emotional issues and think through difficult or painful aspects of their lives. It can help you deal with difficulties and find inner resources to overcome them. 

​It's beneficial to use the opportunity of counselling by expressing your deepest, most personal thoughts and feelings freely. Confidential and non-judgemental approach in counselling invites openness and helps develop trust between us.

If you want to get support in resolving a specific problem, or cope with a particular pressing situation, or you have one or two well-identified issues or goals you would like to achieve, by agreeing to time-limiting counselling I will help you to stay focused on your goals or specific issues.

​I will encourage you to build bridges between your counselling and everyday life by reading relevant books, identifying social support available so you can continue improving after counselling.

To help you benefit the most from your counselling it's good to keep the following in mind:

  • Contact a counsellor when the time is right for you - when you feel that your need to make sense of things or start working towards the change and your motivation is highest.
  • Discuss and agree on reasonably well-focused personal concerns or goals with your counsellor.
  • Let your counsellor know if at any stage you feel the counselling is not right for you.
  • Avoid sudden, unprepared termination of counselling - discuss your difficulties and discomfort with your counsellor and work together towards a satisfactory ending.
  • Be open to new approaches and trying out new behaviour suggested by your counsellor.
  • Accept that everyone finds change difficult and that counselling often feels like a tough combination of risk, resistance and hard work.
  • ​If you use all the sessions agreed on at your initial consultation and still in need of further counselling, feel free to bring this up with your counsellor, review your situation and agree another set number of sessions or if feels more appropriate, take a break and return for counselling at a later stage.
Julia Lofts Counsellor Psychotherapist Wadhurst Tunbridge Wells Stress Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Undiagnosed Medical Conditions Mindfulness CBT