Mindfulness for Mental Wellbeing

"Paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can improve your mental wellbeing. Some people call this awareness "mindfulness". - NHS Choices          

Mindfulness for Health

Do you suffer from persistent pain, illness or any other condition such as chronic fatigue or stress that has affected your health?

Breathworks courses are developed to help you learn mindfulness skills so you can improve the quality of your life and your health. 

Mindfulness for Health works

The Founder of Breathworks, Vidyamala Birch talks about her internationally renowned book (co-written with Dr Danny Penman)  'Mindfulness for Health', sharing her own journey and discovery of Mindfulness.           

Mindfulness for Stress Course

Mindfulness for Health course is run over eight weeks. It's most suitable for those living with persistent pain or illness that affects your life.

  • chronic back pain
  • arthritis
  • fibromyalgia 
  • chronic fatigue 
  • post-operative pain 
  • cancer
  • nervous disorders 
  • and other non-specific pain

You will learn to understand your difficulty and find creative ways to live with your condition so you can enjoy life again.

Mindfulness for Health Course

Mindfulness for Stress course is usually delivered over eight weekly sessions but can also be taught over four longer sessions. It's for anyone dealing with stress of any kind, whether associated with work, relationships, finances, loss or other factors outside your control. 

  • cope better with daily stresses of modern live
  • manage symptoms of anxiety
  • significantly reduce stress
  • learn to challenge & deal with negative thinking
  • ​use your time more productively​.

You will rediscover the joy of life through being really aware of the present moment, without worrying about what might happen in the future, or dwelling on what you could've done differently in the past.

Julia R Lofts




07787 180 256

The Breathworks Mission Statement

  • Breathworks exist to alleviate human suffering.
  • We help people who are living with pain or other long-term conditions.
  • We help people living with stress
  • We teach people to help themselves and others using mindfulness based techniques.

"From humble beginnings to international recognition, Breathworks' mission is to bring mindfulness as a tool for reducing suffering to people worldwide; regardless of their situation." - Breathworks Mindfulness​​

 Breathworks Mindfulness Courses

I am an Accredited Breathworks Associate Mindfulness Teacher and Supervisor.

I run Mindfulness courses for groups and organisations, as well as one-to-one and couples sessions in and around Tunbridge Wells & Wadhurst (West Kent and East Sussex).

Breathworks is accredited by Good Practice Guidelines for Mindfulness Teachers UK and the FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapies). More information about Breathworks can be found online: www.breathworks-mindfulness.org.uk​​

Breathworks Mindfulness for Health and Mindfulness for Stress courses have been extensively researched proving consistent positive outcomes. Their content and structure together with being delivered by thoroughly trained accredited mindfulness teacher are fundamental to effectiveness of mindfulness learning. Breathworks programmes are a development of Mindfulness-Based-Stress Reduction (MBSR - originally developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT - developed by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams and John Teasdale).

"The Breathworks approach to Mindfulness-Based Pain Management (MBPM) is the most comprehensive, in-depth, scientifically up-to-date and user-friendly approach to learning the how of living with chronic pain and reclaiming one’s life that I know of.....I admire Vidyamala tremendously... her approach could save your life and give it back to you." - Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD author of Full Catastrophe Living and Coming to Our Senses Professor Emeritus of the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Research has shown the benefits of these courses for patients with:

  • Stress
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • IBS
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • ​MS and ME (chronic fatigue syndrome)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • ​Weakened immune system

Mindfulness courses introduce mindfulness in a structured way so that over a few

weeks you are able to develop a range of mindfulness tools to help reduce your stress

and suffering and improve your wellbeing.

Julia Lofts Counsellor Psychotherapist Wadhurst Tunbridge Wells Stress Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Undiagnosed Medical Conditions Mindfulness CBT